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Research Company

The Arnold Project​


 After decades of research on cross-species breeding from our top geneticists, the Arnold project had been successful. The first bird lizard hybrid survived for a week before deceasing, but the team knew that they were close. Slight tweeks were made and October 2016, A-Genetics had it's first success, Specimen 891642 (also known as Arnold). He is a Gallosaurus - a hybrid of Domesticated Chicken (Gallus Gallus Domesticus) and a Blue Collard Lizard (Crotaphytus Collaris). Soon following Specimen 891642's success, a fertile female hybrid, Specimen 1067812 was produced. Arnold lived for three years. Many of these animals have been raised and in 2018, the first mating pair successfully produced a live egg. Since then, descendants of Arnold have been raised and studied. Approximately 1.5 feet tall and 12 lbs, this lizard-bird hybrid is reminiscent of the ancient species - dinosaurs. We are hoping that studying these specimens can give us insight into the living, social, and breeding habits of dinosaurs.​





Dinosaurs and Chicken DNA​


​DNA is 95% alike, from the microscopic bacteria to the blue whale. Scientist at A-Genetics Research Company believed it was possible to genetically alter animal DNA enough so that new species could be introduced from the old ones. This process is called Laboratory Evolution. After the discovery of the Archeoptryx, a bird like dinosaur, the theory of a close genetic relationship between birds and reptiles became widely accepted. Since 1984, our scientist have been working on the Arnold Project to merge the DNA of a lizard with the DNA of a bird, since the two animals both are descendents from dinosaurs. Scientist at A-Genetics have been researching the genetic similarities for decades in order to try to gain insight about Dinosaur habits. Scientist have discovered that the Gene KS889A, responsible for body temperature regulation is the key to understanding the differences between birds and reptiles. This gene is being researched to distinguish the differences between the cold blooded reptiles and warm blooded birds.





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